Join Us for Pillars of Celebration!

Honoring the values of generations of Kappas and the milestones in our lives. Join us as we kick off Kappa’s Centennial Year Celebration commemorating 100 Years of Faith and Service.

47th biennial Kappa Gamma Pi National Convention
Indianapolis, Indiana
July 18-20, 2025

Can you help us?

Plans for the 2025 Convention are well underway, but the more, the merrier!
We are looking for members to serve on the Convention Planning Committee, the Nominating Committee, and the Resolutions Committee.
If you would like to assist with Convention preparations, especially if you live in the Indianapolis area, please email 

Inline image


Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Airport

2501 South High School Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46241

Kappas may reserve a room by calling 317-244-6861 and asking for reservations or by using the booking link Kappa Gamma Pi Meeting

Please note the cut-off date for the group rate is April 26, 2025.